The strength, stiffness, and extreme light weight of carbon fiber tubes make them ideal for conventional spinnaker poles and reaching struts. Typically, such poles are manhandled on deck, so cutting out unnecessary weight will make maneuvers easier and safer.
the carbon advantage
A carbon fiber spinnaker pole from GMT Composites will weigh in at about half the weight of a similar aluminum pole. Our carbon poles are fabricated by hand, using unidirectional pre-impregnated carbon fiber, which has proven to result in a stronger, more reliable, yet still super light, spinnaker pole. Using this technique rather than a filament wound carbon pole, we are able to produce a stronger lighter pole without overlapping fibers or voids that can cause weak spots, or exsessive resin content which adds to the weight. In addition, carbon does not corrode in a saltwater environment like aluminum, and our durable linear polyurethane finish can be polished and touched up, for a spinnaker pole that will last.

Fittings and finish
Whether you need a spinnaker pole, whisker pole, reaching strut, or anything of the sort, a custom solution from GMT lets you combine the benefits of carbon with the arrangement of end fittings and other hardware you want. Location of internal trip lines and all other specifications are designed specifically for your boat or application. GMT carbon spinnaker poles and reaching struts can be clear coated, revealing the distinctive carbon twill, painted to match existing spars or hull color, or given a Faux Bois finish to look like wood.
choosing your carbon pole
GMT Composites offers a number of standard diameter carbon poles from 3" - 6" inside diameter. We build straight spinnaker or whisker poles as well as tapered poles, and we can custom build whatever size carbon pole you need. If you are not sure what length pole you need, that is most often determined by the "J" measurement on your boat. To determine "J" if you do not already know it, measure on deck from the front of the mast to the headstay fitting. In most cases that will be your approximate pole length, but if you are unsure, contact us; we are here to help.